My name is Michael Robert Wali

And this a showcase of some of my projects and my abilities

I am a goal-oriented full stack Web Developer with strong commitment to collaboration and solutions-oriented problem-solving. Use various web design software to develop customer-focused websites and designs. Committed to high standards of web design, user experience, usability and speed for multiple types of end-users. Very passionate about python, ruby and React(in particular).

Septemeber, 2020

Registry app

A registry app for all .ug web domains. It enables users register and manage domain names for their apps. Built purely on Ruby on Rails as a monolithic app, with the default rails ERB templating engine.

February, 2021


FundaNathi provides a learning experiences that is fun, engaging and convenient for the marginalised youth of South Africa. Built using VueJs, Nuxt, Spring boot and NodeJS. This microservice based architecture makes it easily maintinable and built to scale

March, 2020


Business Processing app for connecting Asian/African employees with (mostly American) employers. Built using VueJS on the frontend and Django backend.